Every Which Way But Good
October 11, 2012
I. The Genetics of Crud-Covered Scrunchface
Me, circa the days when metal cabinets with sharp rusty edges ruled the earth.
Ike, circa last week.
It's awesome how they only look like me when they're acting like goofball weirdos. Awesome and telling.
II. No, But Seriously, He's Huge Now
And all day long he's like "Shhzz? Go? Shhzz? Go?" which roughly translates to "Put my shoes on, woman, and let's bust this joint."
One of these doors has to take me outside. Or at least protect somethng dangerous and perfectly sized for my mouth.
III. Call Me Maybe
I'll be right there. Just gotta find my shhzz.
I posted that last photo to Instagram, and the comments immediately all focused on Ike's spiffy little underroos, which is actually a gDiaper, which I actually bartered in exchange for writing a post for the gDiapers blog. (Which I still have to, you know, actually do. Coming soon! Hold please!)
Yes, I requested and received payment for writing in the form of cloth diapers and was thrilled out of my goddamned mind over the arrangement. Mommyblogging! What a country! Get a real job, and etc.
Anyway, several commenters requested a cloth diapering update, so I suppose I need to write THAT now too. I'm sure I can manage to devote another 2,000 words or so to the subject, if I try. And by "try" I mean "open my mouth and let the stream-of-consciousness fall out because blah blah diapers diapers blah."
IV. More Gratuitous Beefcake
Ike learned the sign for "baby." Which he now uses as a descriptor for children OTHER THAN HIMSELF, BECAUSE I'M NOT ONE ANYMORE, MOM.
Or possibly this is more of an arm-folded stance of disapproval at the toy-pile disaster going on behind him, because MY GOD.
V. And On That Note, SEGUE!
Do you guys know AB Chao? Do you guys know that, way back in a previous life, I didn't have a blog but she had an "online journal" and I read it religiously, because she was just so smart and funny and hey, I wonder how hard it would be to acquire a personal web publishing property of my very own? Hmm!
She's pretty much the reason I was inspired to start blogging, and the reason you are reading this. But please don't hold that against her. She didn't know. How COULD she know?
Anyway, she's also a kick-ass interior decorator/designer, and is coming to DC next month for one of her famous Dewit Design Camps. And I will be there, and you guys, I've never actually met her in person and I am going to hyperventilate and probably cry and be all, "did you ever know that you're my herrrrrro" COMPLETELY NON-IRONICALLY. Then I will ask her what in sam hill I should do about that mess behind the couch.
You should totally come. Bring a camera. Instagram the fangirl meltdown. Feel the (creepy, Internet-based) love.
Well... I just wanted to note that you are pretty much my AB Chao... you were one of the first blogs I discovered and loved! And the love continues on to this day... so put that feather in your cap. Have fun fangirl freaking out!
Posted by: ememby | October 11, 2012 at 11:20 AM
There is no such thing as too much BABY BEEFCAKE.
Posted by: Dawn | October 11, 2012 at 11:33 AM
Adorable baby! But I keep checking back for the status of the cyst. I worry, you know.
Posted by: lisak | October 11, 2012 at 11:36 AM
So, i signed up for the DC design camp months ago because there wasn't one in Philly, and I prefer DC over New York, and I have been looking forward to it for months now, and all of this is to say that I am so excited to now hear that you will be there, too!! Also, yours was one of the first blogs I ever read! Ok, going to stop now before I get even more screechy, but yay! Can't wait to meet you!
Posted by: Mia | October 11, 2012 at 11:50 AM
Oh, the hugeness that is now nonbabyIke. But the cute! Damn if the cute isn't illegal. It's like how looking at them doesn't correspond to actual size (as in I bought 3T clothes for Z this weekend and held them up, amazed at the length and was all this is gonna swallow him but he needs it for the arms and then put it on him and BAM! fits.)
And AB Chao has nothing on you, my love for you, why I blog, why I TRY to be funnier, need one more baby just to cloth diaper. Seriously. Fangirl THAT.
Posted by: Arnebya | October 11, 2012 at 11:53 AM
AB is, incidentally, how I found you. I used to read her on TWoP, then found her blog, and she linked to Miss Doxie, and Miss Doxie linked to you, and here I am still, a billion years later. The internet really is a very small town in some ways.
Posted by: Kate | October 11, 2012 at 12:24 PM
I will be there too - I'm her DC intern and I love you both heaps. It's the circle of life, I swear.
Posted by: Camille | October 11, 2012 at 12:46 PM
I am always up for a fab new cover, but already own a bazillion inserts, prefolds, and flats. Think I can pair them with a gDiaper or are their inserts some funky size?
Posted by: Heidi | October 11, 2012 at 02:17 PM
AB and I made a point to meet up at BlogHer '10 and like you, I'd been reading her for YEARS. It was an actually big moment for me, seriously. I actually realized the other day that I've known her for more than 10 years. The Web! It is becoming old and gray.
It's funny that she's famous now for different designy reasons, and when people talk about her only in that capacity, I get upset because I'm like, BITCH YOU DO NOT KNOW ABOUT HOW GOOD SHE USED TO RECAP EVERWOOD.
Posted by: jonniker | October 11, 2012 at 02:30 PM
AB and I made a point to meet up at BlogHer '10 and like you, I'd been reading her for YEARS. It was an actually big moment for me, seriously. I actually realized the other day that I've known her for more than 10 years. The Web! It is becoming old and gray.
It's funny that she's famous now for different designy reasons, and when people talk about her only in that capacity, I get upset because I'm like, BITCH YOU DO NOT KNOW ABOUT HOW GOOD SHE USED TO RECAP EVERWOOD.
Posted by: jonniker | October 11, 2012 at 02:30 PM
Dude, I have that book. Except my version is called, "The Longest Birthday" (and had a personal inscription from my then babysitter.) But it is the same story about Amy and her dog George and I read it to my 3 year old on the regular even though it is falling to pieces.
Ike and the phone is ridiculous.
Posted by: Katie | October 11, 2012 at 03:15 PM
And the cycle continues...because you're most of the reason I started my own blog! Pretty sure I'd have some ridiculously embarrassing fangirl meltdown if I got to meet YOU. :) Keep inspiring us, sista.
Posted by: Lindsay | October 11, 2012 at 03:21 PM
Ike continues to be adorable, but because I've JUST been trying to find zip up sleepers online, I was distracted by his sleeper, because I think I saw that one at OldNavy.com. My little boy is long but very skinny so he's at the top of the 6-12 month size in length, but barely into it for weight. And you actually have one in your possession, so I can ask: How does the sizing run? If I buy the 6-12 mo size, will he get too long for it right away?
P.S. I will eagerly read any and all cloth diaper posts. :)
Posted by: Hillary | October 11, 2012 at 04:30 PM
I for one, welcome more cloth diaper posts! I'm going back and forth about trying it and other websites just make my brain all hurty. Prefolds? Inserts? All in ones? TOO MUCH INFORMATION!!!!
Posted by: Bailey R. | October 11, 2012 at 05:20 PM
What about your weird face lump? I'm strangely awaiting an update :-)
Posted by: Meghan | October 11, 2012 at 06:48 PM
Woot! I'm going too! Perhaps we can convince her to make this a specialized "make piles of children's crap look adorable" session.
Posted by: Fun mama | October 11, 2012 at 07:39 PM
The Scrunch Face? Is KILLING me. I would be smoochin' that little baby face all dang day. Don't even get me started on the pink belly...
Posted by: Jenny H. | October 11, 2012 at 10:06 PM
I can't wait to read your gdiapers review. We are big thirsties and flip fans but i have been eyeing gdiapers... How do they rate on the bulky scale?
Posted by: Katie Stack | October 12, 2012 at 08:25 AM
My ? is in all that clutter (I think we all have our own toy fiasco pile in our houses amIright?) who in the sam hell is going to use the jumper thing?
If it was in my house I'd be all over it..but I'm not so sure the leg holes are big enuf for me to slide on through anymore.
So first things first...that has GOT to go. LOL
We had one also and I was so greatful when kid #2 got too big for it.
Posted by: Apryl | October 12, 2012 at 11:13 AM
Amy's Long Night!! Oh, I loved that book so, so much. When dd turned her nose up at it it was like a knife to the heart.
Posted by: Amy | October 12, 2012 at 09:00 PM
Cloth diapers = The best!
Posted by: David | October 12, 2012 at 10:45 PM
That first picture looks like Ezra in a wig. So awesome.
And we looove g diapers. So trim and adorable. My daughter often wears them in lieu of pants. In public. Because I'm that awesome. Also because she's 13 months old and everything she does is adorable.
Posted by: Ashley W | October 12, 2012 at 11:50 PM
Baby Ike: that kid's got personality. He's going places (perhaps literally if he can figure out those darn doorknobs)!
Posted by: Meg | October 14, 2012 at 02:39 PM
You're my inspiration for finally starting to blog, too. Careful our feathers don't weight the cap offa that blonde head o' yourn; you've got a whale of a fanbase out here...
I want to sniff Ike's neck and take him to the park for a couple hours ok?
Posted by: Lynda M O | October 15, 2012 at 10:38 AM
Just came across an amazing app for kids! Disney Princess Royal Ball is one of my new favorites…and it's free! You can try on Disney princess outfits and accessories and then take your picture, decorate a royal carriage and dance at the royal ball. So much fun for any Disney princess fan! just search Disney Princess Royal Ball in the app store (Google Play has an app for Android I think too)
Posted by: Maddie | October 16, 2012 at 12:53 PM