Tipsy Not Tired
Diagnosis: Waffles

Pet Updates & Things That Are Not Poop

I am happy to report that this guy:


Is doing really pretty darn well. 


He LOVES his new (gross, smelly, blobby-looking) food. We've already gone through an entire pallet of it. No weight gain yet, but no more loss, and I don't know. He's moving better. Bit more energy and sass. And he looks fluffier. Is fluffiness a medical indicator of improvement? If so, then SO FLUFFY.


Fluid injections, not so much. Still working on that. 

Poop and constipation issues are still not 100% improved either, in spite of loading his (vile, putrid, rotting-fish-scented) food with pumpkin and Miralax. I thought we'd had a...ahem...significant breakthrough the other day...


But no. 


Add "GEODE OR POOP?" to the long list of questions I never expected to ponder in my life.


Unfortunately, before I sat down to write this I was back at the vet with Ceiba, and am now waiting on HER blood work. I guess the pets are just so jazzed to finally have a plotline here on the blog that they're inventing ways to keep it going. Since a COLLAPSING TRACHEA apparently isn't exciting enough, Ceiba is either having some metabolic issues of her own or just being a very, very, very bad little dog.

A urine culture came back clean and she's not wetting her bed at night, but for some reason has decided that the tile in the foyer is great for peeing on. Like, all the time. Puddle after puddle, no less than 45 seconds after coming from the outside. It was definitely getting worse and it seemed she couldn't really help it so I was SURE there was an infection or something. But since it's not happening 24/7 hours a day the vet was like, "yeah we'll draw blood but she might just be being an asshole right now."

Anyway. We'll find out tomorrow. In the meantime. Pets. Please stop chasing Internet fame via your bathroom habits. It's really not dignified.




Fluffy *is* an indicator of health in cats, because a sick cat won't bathe much, and their fur gets all greasy and weird.

Heather Laura Clarke

GEODE OR POOP! Lololololol!


Ugh. I feel your pain. Our bratty cat is acting up. Vet has seen him for jerk behavior in the past. He and I are both pretty sure this is more of the same, but will give him to the end of the week to make sure. Remind me why I love this awful beast? (The cat, not the vet.)


I love that the geode was picked up in a paper towel. I can imagine the thought process involved. "Oh good, the cat finally pooped. Gross that it's on the carpet but whatever, at least it's not messy. I'll get a paper towel and just pick it up right n...WHAT THE?!?!?!


OMG that geode totally had me fooled! I was like dear god how did that come out of a cat! LOLOLOL


Our 14 and a half year old dog has apparently decided that it is ridiculous for us to expect him to go outside in the WET to take care of his business and we obviously do not mean it because there is a nice dry carpet right inside the door (and not the door mat because that would be too easy on us). I feel for you. Our vet checked him out and said "treat him like a puppy and put him out regularly." That works -- sometimes. Good luck!


Our 14 and a half year old dog has apparently decided that it is ridiculous for us to expect him to go outside in the WET to take care of his business and we obviously do not mean it because there is a nice dry carpet right inside the door (and not the door mat because that would be too easy on us). I feel for you. Our vet checked him out and said "treat him like a puppy and put him out regularly." That works -- sometimes. Good luck!


Oh yes, you absolutely can use coat appearance as a health indicator for cats. And! He IS looking much fluffier! And happier! Go Max! Love that he loves that disgusting kidney diet food!


Maybe Ceiba is just jealous that Max is getting all that super yummy smelling this is her revenge.


At least Ceiba chooses tile over carpet!


My poor old cat hated that special kidney food. The vet said it was okay as long as she was eating her normal wet food, which she was. I was relieved because it stunk, was gross, and it was super expensive! I also did the fluid under the skin, which yeah, they don't like it. It's definitely a two person job.


Peeing on tile when carpet is available? WIN!!!


I'm reminded of our late dog, Jake. My parents were visiting and he developed a limp. It got progressively worse as the weekend wore on. My mother sat with him for hours, rubbing his hip and thigh. And still it got worse. We decided that we would take him to the vet after running my parents to the airport. Dropped them off, came home, and voila! The dog no longer had a limp. He'd been hamming it up for my mother.


Your story about Ceiba reminds me of when our dog decided to pee everywhere all the time, for no reason and seemingly beyond his control. He was also very very VERY thirsty all the time. Turns out he was diabetic. I really hope Ceiba is just being an asshole. :/


Could be attention seeking, but my old(15)female dog had urinary incontinence (much like some post-menopausal women do, lol) as a result of aging and inadequate urinary sphincter control. We got some kind of medication for her which helped a lot. She was unaware when it happened and ashamed :(. Hoping it is minor issue for Ceiba!


@Erin YASSS. Exactly. I was like Jeff Godblum
In Jurassic Park all "that's a big pile of shit. But thank goodness?" Then I got a million paper towels and had this moment of "wow that's heavy but picked up so cleanly HOLY FUCK WHY IS IT PURPLE??"

Then I died laughing, recreated the moment for Jason and photographed it for the Internet because GEODE OR POOP


The geode was hilarious and is it wrong to say 'at least it's on the tile not the carpet?' ...


Hi. As mentioned above it can be a menopausal type thing. Our elderly poodle had a course of hormone tablets that helped her pelvic floor and she never had any problems after that. My elderly jack russell had issues similar to ceiba and she had bladder stones. Not common but an xray can rule them out. Surgery at 13 went well and we had another 3 years with her. Just another thing to google and worry about. Sorry. Good luck with it all.


2 reactions:

-How the hell is diabetes insipid? Insidious is much better
Feel better, waffle-hamsterdog

Charie Kase

This is going to sound gross but I have some tips on the subQ fluids. I had to do them every other day on my dog. Make sure you're using the needle to kind of hold the skin up so there's a place for the fluid to go. Also, gently twist the needle until the fluid flows freely. You don't want a slow drip - it'll take longer to do the whole dose. If I remember correctly, the fluid always flowed the best when the needle hole was pointed down. I know it's hard and I wish you good luck.


I have the exact same scratch (that turned into a scar) from giving my cat antibiotics! I got a lot of concerned questions about my mental health and had to explain I wasn't cutting, my cat was trying to kill me.


Loving your style and wishing all the best for your furbabies!

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