...And Then This Happened
The Hottest Toy of 2016 is...

Blow Us All Away


On Friday, the fifth graders at Noah's school presented a living "wax museum," where everybody dressed up as a historical figure and gave a brief biography report on their life when "activated" by a visitor. 

For long-time readers and Noah-understanders, let me preface that this assignment involved all of the following:

1) Wearing a costume

2) That included a hat

3) Actually pretending to actually be another person

4) Who could not be George Washington (because he already did a biography report on him last year and needed to branch out)

5) Reading/reciting lines in front of strangers

6) While in a large, loud, echo-y cafeteria while well over a hundred students were also doing the same thing for a huge crowd of family and friends.

OBVIOUSLY, Noah went with Alexander Hamilton. (Two kids over in his row was a King George III whom he gamely and playfully referred to as "Mine Sworn Enemy" and challenged to a duel.) He tried very hard to memorize his speech but ultimately his nerves got the better of him so he was allowed to read it. He was also offered his noise-cancelling earmuffs but opted not to compromise the integrity of his costume. Although he did include his Marty McFly watch because of something something time travel this means I'm still Noah coping mechanism. 

Could I be prouder of this kid? 

I could not be prouder of this kid. 


Brandy K

Proud right along with you! Noah, you rocked it!!


That legit made me cry. Go, Noah!! ☺️


Strong Work Noah


He is amazing.


That little smile at the end just made me cry.


Ooh, that is so awesome! You go, Noah! <3


Don't make me cry! I remember when he would only dress as Steve from Blue's Clues at Halloween. Way to go dude!


Awesome Sauce Noah!


he's amazing. go noah!


Yay Noah! Great job!


Oh my heart that smile at the end!


Yey Noah!! I'd be terrified to do what he did!


I am so proud of this kid!


Looks like someone needs the "Clean Edit" of the Hamilton Soundtrack for Christmas. Way to go, Noah!


So obviously your getting him tickets to hamilton right?

Kari Perry

Fuhreaking awesome!


That half smiles slays me. Go Noah!!


Way To Go Noah!!!!


Excuse me...I seem to have something in my eye.

The awesomeness cannot be described - go NOAH!!!!!


His smile at the end!? Killed me. :) I'M so proud of him! Way to go Noah!!!!


Go Noah!


Great job, Dude. Seriously so great.

And Amy - you've been so open about his struggles and your struggles with his struggles with his struggles - let me just say that my over-riding thought watching this is: This is a boy who has been given a safe place to work out how to be his best self. You and Jason have provided that place. God bless you.


Sue W

Add me to the tears group, please. Noah has come SO FAR. So stinkin' proud of your kid that I've never even met!


Way to go, Noah!


Watching that is the best part of my Monday, hands down. Great job, Noah!!!


YES! Go Noah!!!!!!!!


<3 <3 <3 Go Noah! Tearing up over here!


WOW. Just wow. Go Noah! You rock dude. πŸ‘πŸ‘

Miss Dawn

Not only am I so impressed with Noah and how far he has come but I am impressed with your school. What a wonderful project! I live in a town where the schools keep getting worse and worse. Even the "good" schools my kids graduated from. So it is great to see good schools and also to see students with special abilities flourishing in them. Way to go Amy! You have a great kid!


Lin Manuel Miranda needs to see this!


Yay, Noah! The report was awesome and so was his smile at the end.

Catherine Stoutner

W-O-W! Way to go Noah! This is the best thing I've seen all day.


Fantastic!!! So happy to see this - he's come so far and he seems proud of himself too (that smile!).


SO AWESOME. I'm all verklempt.


Oh, the crooked smile at the end! I am dying over here. Way to go, Noah, I am totally not crying at all.


Also - our school does this project in second grade. My little chose to be Harriet Tubman, and 3 years later, I'm still proud as all heck of her.

Kelly Daniel

Noah! That is awesome! I learned some things I didn't already know about Alexander Hamilton!

P.S. The smile at the end? I'm dying!


Great work, Mr. Hamilton!


Wow, great job!


I did *not* burst into tears when he finished. A bug flew into my eyeball. ( <3 him! )


Whoohoo! Great job, Noah!! So proud of him <3

Holly W.

YAY. This is amazing.

And it also gives me hope. My 5yo has never been diagnosed with anything in particular, but struggles more with social skills, sensory overload, etc. than the next kid. This includes a terror of speaking in front of anyone, an inability to cope with crowded, busy spaces (me too!), and a complete lack of empathy and understanding for other kids feelings. Multiple assessments just come up with the "eh, he just needs a bit more focus to continue to improve in these areas" - nothing more specific. And in the past six months, we've seen a marked improvement just with some caring and sharing groups at school, a parenting class we ourselves took, practicing some emotional comping mechanisms regularly, and the brilliance of his experience Kindergarten teacher. I'm chalking some of it up to getting older and just more aware of how to conduct himself, but this gives me SUCH hope that over time, while these traits might hang on in minor ways, he'll grow through them and into himself.


Oh, that kid!

Katie H.

Oh my gosh Amy - that made me smile so much!!! He has come so far and every time you post about him overcoming a challenge instead of opting for an easier way out (headphones, for example), it warms my heart. He's amazing and I know you are all so proud. Way to go Noah!!!!

Marie Perlow

Noah " has come a long way baby". Good for him!


That's amazing! You go, Noah!


Yaaaaassssss πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘


Love, love, love! What an amazing kid and amazing parents! Thank you for sharing Noah and his story with your readers!
Noah-WOW!!! Way to go!!!

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