The Great Defender

MEET MAIL SLOT. IS EVIL. IS MY NEMESIS. OMGOMGAAAAAHHHHRRRRFFFFFFFFFOMG PERIMETER BREACH. PAPER FALLS FROM SKY. THE APOCKOLIPS IS NOW. AM CLEARLY LAST LINE OF DEFENSE. I GOT YOU GLOSSY JUNK MAIL OF DOOM. SECOND WAVE! HOLD THE LINE! MY GOD, IT'S A CATALOG! WILL KILL US ALL! OH THE HUGE MANATEE! I EAT YOUR CREDIT CARD STATEMENT. I EAT IT UP. Epilogue: She dragged a dental visit reminder postcard about two feet to the left before getting bored, then went upstairs and took a nap. *** This post was sponsored by Milk-Bone and is my final contribution to the It's Good To Give Series. Thanks for the good times, Milk-Bone. And the memories. And the monies. Check out their Canine Assistants program on Facebook, which helps people with disabilities and get involved by sharing photos of your own dog on the Milk-Bone Flickr stream. Read more →

(Please Nobody Tell Her It's Technically a Cat Bed)

WELCOME TO MAH BOO DWAR, PEOPLES. (YAWN.) YOO KNOW, IS GETTING DIFFICULT TO KEEP YOU ENTERTAINED WITH PHOTOS OF ME ACKUALLY DOING THINGS. I DON'T DO MANY THINGS. I MOSTLY DO LOTS OF THIS. AND THIS. SOMETIMES THIS, IF UR NASTY. I REGRET MY LIFE CHOICES. OKAY IS IMPORTANT SEVENTH-NAP TIME NOW. GOING WAY. BYE. *** This post is sponsored by Milk-Bone as part of the "It's Good To Give" series. Check out their Canine Assistants program on Facebook, which helps people with disabilities and get involved by sharing photos of your own dog on the Milk-Bone Flickr stream. Read more →

Lapdog Meets Laptop

SIGH. YOUGUYS. I TIRED. SO VERY, VERY TIRED. MOAR CHILDREN IN HOUSE THAN USUAL TODAY. THEY CALL IT PLAYDATE. NO LIKE. IS VERY LOUD WITH SHRIEKING. ALSO NEW CHILD SMELLS LIKE STICKY. YET I NOT ALLOWED TO LICK NEW STICKY CHILD. WOE. I STAY HERE INSTEAD WHOLE TIME SO THERE. OH HEY DID I HEAR SUMBODY SAY SNACK? SUMTHING ABOUT A SNACK? OH HEY GOTTA GO EXTRA CHILDREN MEAN EXTRA SNACKS AND EXTRA CRUMBS I LOVE PLAYDATES BYE *** This post is sponsored by Milk-Bone as part of the "It's Good To Give" series. Check out their Canine Assistants program on Facebook, which helps people with disabilities and get involved by sharing photos of your own dog on the Milk-Bone Flickr stream. Read more →

Rakish Good Looks

SHH. HIDING. WAT. SUMTIMES U WANT SUM SUN, BUT NOT TOO MUCH SUN. YOONO? WATEVER. JUS JELUS, PROBABLY. THIS IS THE BEST IDEA I'VE EVER HAD. STILL KIND OF HOT THO. SENSING FLAW. HMM. THAT DRAIN THING LOOKS LIKE NICE PLACE FOR WHICH TO BE STICKING MY HEAD IN. ALSO: SHADY, COOL. To be continued... This is another sponsored Milk-Bone post, part of the It's Good To Give series. These were supposed to be weekly but a snafu meant Thursday's post had go up Monday instead but then this one was always supposed to go up today and...and...nobody really cares about this twice-weekly thing as much as I do, I'm guessing. Anyway! Milk-Bone invites you to check out their Canine Assistants program. Share photos of your little sunbeam dog at the Facebook group or Flickr stream. Read more →

She Works Hard for the Waffles

You know what this week needs? Waffles. It needs some waffles. WAT. WAT U SAY. U SAY WAFFLE THAT'S A WAFFLE O GREAT DAY IN THE MORNING WAFFLE! NO WAFFLE! WAFFLE! stupidwaffleperson gonna gonnaflippin getdatwaffle HYSTERICAL DOG SNEEZING INTERLUDE ETC. SUCCESSORY INSPIRATIONAL PRINT, THEME: INVISIBLE PERSEVERANCE CAN ALMOST. TASTE. WAFFLE. Oh, hello. I would also like to submit my sincere interest in hazzing dat waffle. IS LIKE KING SOLOMON OR SUMTHING. WOULD ALSO HAVE CEPTED SPLITTING BAYBEE. *snarf* And FIN. As you could probably guess from all the Milk-Bone ads and this here logo thing, this post is sponsored by Milk-Bone. It'll be part of a "It's Good to Give" series this month (so get ready for MOAR CEIBA YAY). Check out their Canine Assistants program, which helps people with disabilities and get involved by sharing photos of your own dog on the Milk-Bone Flickr stream. Read more →